Is it worth it to have a garage sale, or simply throw your old stuff away when moving?
2006-01-27 12:47:25 UTC
New house and OLD hand-me-down furniture...throw it out or sell it? Is it worth the hassle?
Eight answers:
2006-01-29 00:27:04 UTC
Don't throw it away! A great way to keep stuff out of landfills is to donate to a charitable organization or even consider advertising it on your local group. Freecycle is an online listserve place where people can give away stuff they don't want anymore. The primary purpose is to keep usable items out of landfills. I have acquired some great stuff on freecycle and gotten rid of furniture etc that I just don't need anymore.

I hate having garage sales personally.
2006-01-27 13:19:03 UTC
It's a hassle either way. If your stuff is big, you'll have to pay to have it hauled away, rent a dumpster, or take it to the dump. We had a garage sale, (I hate them!) and didn't want to haggle about prices, so everything was priced very cheap. After a few hours, everything was marked down to a quarter! We still made $400. You'd be surprised what people will buy. Good luck.
2006-01-28 15:07:09 UTC
I hate garage sales. It is not worth standing outside all day long. I donate my stuff before having one. Don't throw your furiture away. I donate to a place in my town that gives donated items free of charge to people in need. We had several families in my area that lost everything because of fire. These donated items helps these people to get back on their feet.
2006-01-27 12:48:22 UTC
Have a garage sale and make sure to put up big signs. I sold a bunch of useless crap that I was going to donate for over $600. It's amazing what people will buy!!
2006-01-27 13:08:32 UTC
I love garage sales. That is how I dress my family and decorate my house!!! My stuff looks just as good as new, and it is from garage sales!! It would surprise you what people buy, I've had one before! Good Luck!
2006-01-27 12:50:26 UTC
have a garage sale...

it's also a great way to meet ur neighbors...

or if you find it a hassle, just donate ur furniture...tis better than it being treated as junk.
2006-01-27 13:56:02 UTC
donate it to a homeless shelter. the tax deduction may be worth more than the hassle.
2006-01-27 12:57:09 UTC
I love garage sales...but if you dont have time donate to a local charity...goodwill or salvation army or church. but be dirty or broken stuff...that goes in the

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