What websites that I can go to that gives you ideas so I can renovate (remodel) my room?(I'm a preteen girl)
2006-03-08 18:33:52 UTC
You can also include color ideas and other ideas along with the websites
Three answers:
2006-03-08 18:34:55 UTC
The chain store Pier 1 actually has a store for kids now. They have a lot of neat stuff for teen girls.
2006-03-08 18:39:41 UTC
You can check out HGTV or the DIY pages. Type in "teen room" in the search boxes and browse away.
2006-03-08 18:42:32 UTC
Or you can watch Home & Garden TV (HGTV). Check your cable to see which channel. I watch it all the time. They have pretty cool ideas. :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.