Is it cheaper to use a DIY kitchen or have someone do it for you?
2006-03-25 19:15:35 UTC
I have been advised that its cheaper to get someone to do it for you. Is this true?.
Six answers:
2006-03-25 22:44:41 UTC
Cost = materials, or Cost = materials + labor. DIY, Theres always something to learn.
2006-03-26 03:47:28 UTC
After a water line break, we had to gut the entire kitchen and start over. If you have the time and patience, it is worth it to do it yourself. If you do not like to be inconvenienced, get a contractor. I am getting the kitchen I want, 3 times more cabinets, and have managed to buy all but the drywall at wholesale or below because I was willing to do without a "real" kitchen for almost two years. Better yet, the re-piping of the entire house was the only out of pocket money spent. The insurance has paid for the rest because we did not have a contractor.
2006-03-26 03:23:04 UTC
It depends. If you really don't know what you're doing, then it may cost more to fix the mistakes, if you mess up.

I would buy all my own materials, supplies & then just different people to do the work.

For instance, I saved $ by buying a countertop, but not having that vendor install it. I found someone else to install it & saved hundreds of dollars.

I had to dispose of the old counter & clean up the mess, but it was worth it.
2006-03-26 03:57:59 UTC
Yes, a LICENSED contractor is the way to go. This way if you see any flaws in the workmanship or the material, you can have it replaced. Also, they are required to carry there own insurance, so if the knucklehead cuts off a finger, they can't sue you....
2006-03-26 03:19:24 UTC
it depends on just how much you are having done. contractors are great for a total remodel. but if you are just replacing the floor and a couple cupboards you could probably do it cheaper yourself.
2006-03-26 04:17:59 UTC
Listen to answer number 1.You didn't say what you were going to do.

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