how do you get wall paerof a wall and what pink color is the cutesiest for a small teen girls room?
2006-03-24 17:44:11 UTC
what is a pink cute color for a girls room?
Four answers:
2006-03-25 08:06:27 UTC
use lots of steam or just plain water to get the wallpaper glue off the wall. I suggest letting your teen help every step of the way in decorating her room. It will be a good time for the two of you to spend together, and after all it is her space. Get magazines and pictures and sit down together and come up with some creative ideas. HAVE FUN!!
2006-03-25 03:32:59 UTC
I have removed lots of wallpaper and the Dif wallpaper remover made by Zinnser works really well. They also have a little palm sized gadget called the Paper Tiger that works really well by poking tiny little holes in the paper so that it will soak in more of the remover. The remover is actually little "bugs" (enzymes) that eat wallpaper glue because wallpaper glue is organic. Knowing this, it is very important to let the remover set on the walls long enough to loosen the paper enough to remove it. Just follow the directions and you won't go wrong. Just click on the link below.
2006-03-25 03:28:56 UTC
Use a wallpaper steamer to remove it. Let the small teen choose her own color ... she might surprise you and not want girly pink. In any case, getting her involved in decision-making that affects her will be a good thing!
2006-03-25 02:33:25 UTC
Use a heat gun.Sometimes a hair dryer on hot works. Try that Black Board paint at home improvement stores then get them different colored chalk and let them decorate there room or leave messages.

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