Here you can find step by step instructions for your exterior painting project.
Step1: walk around the house and where ever the house meet the ground you need to trench 6 inches deep, that would protect the foundation with the new paint.
Step2: Mask (cover) all your windows and doors with plastic and green/red masking tape. make sure you tape nice along the edges.
Step3: Rent a hydro blast (water pressure) machine Can be found in a local home depot, and wash the whole exterior of the house. That will remove any old coats or loose stucco.
Step4: Walk around the house and mark all revealed cracks in the stucco.
Step5: Light sand with an electric sander and paper #80 all the wood work(trims) evenly. Patch the wood work imperfections with a putty knife and bundo material (try to make a smooth finish) and let it dry.
Light sand with an electric sander and paper #120 all the wood work(trims) evenly.
Step6: Primer the wood work with exterior primer. (can be sprayed)
Patch all imperfections in the stucco with a stucco patch ready mix.
Step7: Primer the house with exterior primer. can be rolled or sprayed.
Cut / paint with a brush along the edges.
Paint the house with exterior paint. can be rolled or sprayed.
Good luck and god bless.