what form of drapery do you find most attractive for big(6'x14') side opening windows?
2006-01-11 15:10:26 UTC
what form of drapery do you find most attractive for big(6'x14') side opening windows?
Two answers:
2006-01-11 22:32:46 UTC
Why drapery? Ever consider blinds? There are some very stylish options in places like Home Depo or Costco. My Reason: drapery is a good place to build up allergens, eg. dust mites.
chrissy j
2006-01-12 21:45:16 UTC
IKEA has a really cool "drapery" system right now that also slides back and forth. Quite convenient.

Big windows often mean big walls and if you look at maajor design mags like House & Garden, for example, you'll see that ceiling to floor drapes are a wonderful way to add drama to a room. The price may seem high, but wonderful fabrics can be had on ebay for way less than you thnk or you can use non-traditonal fabrics like duck painter's cloth that you dye and hang. be creative!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.