has anyone painted a ceiling medallion using different colors for flowers, leaves, etc. If so, how.?
2006-02-21 11:06:45 UTC
has anyone painted a ceiling medallion using different colors for flowers, leaves, etc. If so, how.?
Two answers:
2006-02-21 14:19:40 UTC
I've not done a ceiling medallion, although I've painted several plaster peices in the past. I prefer using bisque paints designed for painting ceramics and using a spray finishing glaze over the finished piece to protect my project. Most of the ceiling medallions I've seen available are made from vinyl, however, so you would need to find paints that would adhere to that surface. I'm an advocate of always priming any painted surface, so I'm thinking that if properly primed first, that might include your paint choices. Good luck!
2016-12-18 11:54:45 UTC
you're a Blue Crayon Your worldwide is colored in calm, understated, deep colorings. you're a unswerving individual, and the truest buddy anybody ought to wish to locate. on the interior, you have a tendency to be emotional or perhaps somewhat moody. in spite of the undeniable fact that, you recognize that human beings count on you. so which you placed on a powerful front. Your shade wheel opposite is orange. Orange human beings could be opinionated, yet you sense they lack the intensity to truly understand what they are announcing.

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