does a web site exist?
2006-03-05 16:49:28 UTC
there was a site that could tell you the best place for your furniture if your home was built strange please help
Three answers:
2006-03-05 16:59:10 UTC
I would say following some general decorating rules will help.

Here's some good general ideas:

online furniture placement tool:
2006-03-06 09:43:52 UTC
No doubt about it, there are many websites that deal with interior decorating. To find them, just search and explore. Instead of following someone elses rules, why don't you just buy what you like and place it where you want. In the end, you are the one who has to live in the space. Make yourself happy and do it your way.

Good luck with your project.
drunken pumpkin
2006-03-06 00:56:36 UTC
you need to find info on feng sui (i'm not sure if that's how it's spelled).

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