If you were given a run down, rat/roach invested home, for free, and only $10G to fix it, would you take it?
2006-02-02 16:06:07 UTC
If you were given a run down, rat/roach invested home, for free, and only $10G to fix it, would you take it?
Fourteen answers:
2006-02-02 17:45:25 UTC
Heck, yes! But only if I can resell it after I remodel it.
2006-02-06 08:48:02 UTC
Let me see..define "run down." Is anything salvageable...wiring, plumbing, heating, roof, structure? If these things are sound, then the rest is cosmetic, and you betcha! I love saving money, and I love a challenge. You can do quite a bit of TLC with $10G. However, there's a huge difference in remodeling and in "fixing up." Weigh the pros and cons. Are you into it for a home of your own or to turn a profit? Is it worth the time and labor to you? How handy are you with home repairs - honestly? How much time would you actually be able (or want) to devote to the project? You've heard the cliche that one man's trash is another's treasure? This would certainly apply here!
2006-02-02 16:10:36 UTC
I'd spend a couple hundred dollars to have the home inspected, first. Any major structural defect could easily eat up the $10K in one shot. Inspections are well worth the money.

If the inspector gave the house a clean bill of health (other than the rat and roach problem), then sure, I'd take it for free.
2006-02-02 16:10:06 UTC
Absolutely. You can get rid of the vermin for starters . Then if you do the work yourself, you should have a good start on it with $10g and I have lived in unfinished houses before. After that you can finish it room by room.
2016-05-20 15:58:20 UTC
Do you want to be around people you "like", or do you want to learn about Jesus, the only name by which you can be saved? I was a JW for many years, and they will be your friend, until you become smart enough to stop trying to show them you are a good Christian person, by delivering their magazines for year after year, and not being allowed to have higher think YOUR moms bad? Wait till you discover the truth about the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you want friends and fun, join the watchtower. If you want to become a true Christian, pray and ask the King in Command, Jesus, to show you the true way. The road is before you..make a choice that you know would make Jesus, the Son of God who was sent for you, happy. Blessings.
2006-02-02 16:17:32 UTC
Of course. Even if I didn't get the $10g, the house would be free.
2006-02-02 21:03:34 UTC
2006-02-02 21:34:05 UTC
Hell yeah. Use the 10 grand to build my own house just the way I wanted fregging bet I would
2006-02-02 22:17:43 UTC
10G wouldn't go that far if it was to run down.
2006-02-02 16:30:59 UTC

It would take about .025% to clean it out and then you've got $9,750 to fix it up.
2006-02-02 16:08:20 UTC
Sure! I work at a hardware store, I'd have that place up and runnin' in no time. =P
2006-02-02 16:07:18 UTC
In a heartbeat! Then remodel it myself
2006-02-03 06:41:09 UTC
there's a reason it's free.

don't take it
2006-02-02 16:10:02 UTC
who wouldn't????????????

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