does anyone know any sites about decorating rooms?
2006-02-27 21:28:41 UTC
I am a teen and I wanted to redoo my room,are there any websites that show some decorating ideas for teens rooms?I want them to be teen sites only please,do not give me websites on how to decorate older womans rooms.And the sites should have some pictures to show also.
Four answers:
2006-02-27 21:36:44 UTC
Not sure about "sites" to give you ideas... but I have found the best way to decorate your room is to determine what you like and pick a theme from things that interest you... surround yourself with your favorite things... why would you want a room that came out of a catalog or website... where is the originality in that???
2006-02-28 05:31:11 UTC
The link below has all kinds of tips.
2006-02-28 05:32:13 UTC
2006-02-28 05:29:22 UTC

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