Can I use a red sofa in my beige great room?
2006-03-03 13:05:34 UTC
Can I use a red sofa in my beige great room?
Five answers:
2006-03-03 14:41:13 UTC
yes. the red will really pop in a beige room. and with asian inspried or ethnic inspired peices you can really create a great room around the couch color. try finding a rig with an indian or morrocan flair. then play with all the colors in the rug. you will have a great looking room in no time.
2006-03-03 21:29:44 UTC
Sure. Beige accent pillows will help tie it in. Or, find an area rug with beige and red in it.
2006-03-03 21:13:15 UTC
In my den, I have burgandy furniture, with beige paint, that has a slight rose tint, and it looks great.
2006-03-04 01:20:33 UTC
Sure can it's your house. If you like it then it's perfect.
2006-03-03 21:21:48 UTC

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