lucky for you I participated in a "Decorator Showcase" house where they sell tickets to raise money for charity and all the decorators do a room. I did the teenager's room and it was a rock and roll room.
* So the room was painted a Robin's egg blue green with lots of black. It was really cool.
* Then we took cd racks, the kind that stand on the floor and we hung them on the wall: one higher than the other, and we turned them so the cd's went in vertically it looked cool.
* The bed was an IKEA pallet bed in black with a bead spread that picked up the colors in the room, but you could do a solid picking just one color. If you already have a bed, paint it black....
they can tell you how to prime the wood and what paint to use at the Home Depot. You can paint all the existing furniture black if you want.
* Then we ordered concert posters and old albums on line. We went to "Michael's Craft Store" to buy ready made frames for them (if they are collect able posters and there is lots of light in the room get them covered with UV glass to protect them," Michael's" has great framing sales and they only use UV glass.
* Since the room is big the guitars can stand on stands in the corner, but I would love to see at least one hanging on the wall.
*Last: you could also frame sheet music or use it to cover cool boxes or a trunk. Again, "Michael's" where you can buy cardboard boxes and "Modge Podge" which you paint a surface. It is like a glue, you glue the sheet music to it and then paint over the paper dries clear and hard. You can get a cheap foot locker for the foot of your bed to keep stuff in and cover it like that with sheet music. Good luck!!!!!
if you do your colors: red black and white paint you walls red...."Dressage Red" by Ralph Lauren is an awesome red. The furniture black. and the ceiling and trim white.