how can i get the blueprints for my house?
2006-03-20 20:09:40 UTC
how can i get the blueprints for my house?
Six answers:
2006-03-20 20:18:09 UTC
If it is some what new, contact the builder. If you dont know the builder, goto the local zoneing office... someone had to get a building permit...

If it is somewhat old, blueprints may not exist. You could hire someone to come in to survey the house to create a set.
2006-03-20 20:14:43 UTC
I believe that the city has records of all blue prints if not then you might have to have someone assess the house for you and draw you up blueprints
2006-03-20 20:10:55 UTC
Check with City Hall
2006-03-20 20:12:24 UTC
Go to the City Assesor. He either has them on file or can direct you to who does.
2006-03-20 20:10:38 UTC
hire a architect
2006-03-20 20:10:50 UTC
only person that would have them is the contractor or architect

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