Real disadvantages/ advantages of tiling your entire house? Please help me!?
2006-03-15 02:23:21 UTC
My mom is tiling the whole house, bedrooms and all, I think it's ridiculous.

Anyone have a good argument why she shouldn't do it? Anyone who's done it, or does it for a living? It can even be small reasons like 'it's uncomfortable for dog's feet'!
Six answers:
oil field trash
2006-03-15 07:59:51 UTC
We built a new house 10 years ago. It has 2900 square feet of space. Every inch is tiled. My wife and I love it. No carpet to collect dust, mold, mildew. It is sealed so a damp mop once a week takes care of most dirt. A quick swipe with a rag gets the little spots that pop up in the kitchen.

We have area rugs in most of the rooms but they are sent out to a professional cleaner every so often to be cleaned.

All the rugs have non slip pads under them and no one has fallen from a slippery rug.

The tile was chosen has a bit of a texture so it isn't slippery even when wet.

Yes it can feel cold to bare feet in the winter but that is an illusion. The temperature of the floor stays about 75 to 78 degrees the year round.

We've had three puppies (and later dogs) and the clean up it a lot easier and there is no smell left from the accidents.
2006-03-15 03:53:47 UTC
she will learn the hard way, tile is nice for kitchens, bathrooms,and breeze ways---high traffic areas. It is just to dang cold for all of house, unless radiant floor heat is installed.

I would never but a house with tile in bedrooms, it would look to commericialized.

What is the sense of tile bedrooms when you are just going to have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on area rugs.
2006-03-15 06:36:36 UTC
Tiling the whole house is something you had better not do if you are ever thinking about selling it. I think it would shock most buyers away from the place.
2006-03-15 04:55:05 UTC
the cleaning of tiles is very much hectic and difficult. it is not a good idea to tile the whole house.
2006-03-15 09:23:58 UTC
When you drop something heavy on it it will crack the tile and it could be hard to replace it.
2006-03-15 02:25:36 UTC
it's cold on your own feet in winter!

it's slippy for the dogs to walk on

it's slippy if you put rugs on top of the tiles

if you fall over it hurts more

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