Don't get caught in the price trap.
#1 - Print out a standard retail price list that you go by religiously. Build in enough room that you can give discounts that still leave your profit margins intact. Get something in return for any discounts you give them such as letters of recommendation and referrals or rights to use their photos and words in your future advertisements and sales materials. I often tell them that if they give me the names and numbers of friends or neighbors that they know are thinking of the same type of home improvement while I am there that day that I will give them $50 off per name and I get 5 or more names EACH time I sell a job using that discount. You will be surprised that when you SHOW the customer your retail price list that occasionally some will just say, "OK, lets do this".
#2 - Price and market yourself for higher end work and let the other guys go after the low ball bids. You go slowly broke trying to be the cheapest guy. Be the BEST guy and price yourself accordingly. You may lose a few jobs, but you will make GOOD profits on the jobs you do, your clients will be happier with the high quality products and services you provide and they will be more likely to recommend friends and neighbors than the guy who negotiated you down to the lowest price.
#3 If they say they are getting other bids, say "Great, I will come back when you are done getting bids and we can compare value for value on my bid at that time. When are you getting those other bids?". Then make sure you call them back BEFORE they are scheduled to get the last bid so they keep you in mind before making a decision. I always want to be the last one to bid if I have competition.
Check out a guy on eBay that sells a book for contractors called the "Painting Contractors Survival Kit". It will give you a ton of advice that will make you a lot of money even if you are not a painter. Also go to the you will find a lot of good ideas there. One guy that posted there all the time was great.
Also try Replacement Contractor Magazine.
Or shoot, you can just email me and as long as you are not in my market I will be glad to help you.