Disguise Breaker Box?
2006-03-08 15:41:48 UTC
We have a circuit breaker box in our basement. Is it permissable to frame around it? If not, what is the best way to disguise or otherwise use the space near the breaker box?
Three answers:
2006-03-08 15:52:48 UTC
I have a framed picture over mine that is on hinges and have never had any problems with it.
Renaissance Man
2006-03-09 03:37:48 UTC
You can wall right up to it with sheetrock, put framing around, leave room for adding more wires if needed. Hang a big picture in front of it.
2006-03-09 00:28:48 UTC
check your local codes as im sure it has to be visable and clearance of like 3 feet all around.

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