When redecorating a bedroom is it better to pick the paint or decor first?
sara bellum
2006-08-18 19:23:54 UTC
It's my first time redocorating and I have yet to decide what type of theme. Should I pick a color of paint I like first and purchase items that match afterwards or buy the items then choose the paint. What's the best way to go about it?
315 answers:
2006-08-20 05:19:06 UTC
I will answer because of your neat nickname...Pick the furniture is hard to match in furniture to paint. Make it bright and cheerful, while I like 'French blue" with white enameled woodwork, a gold with a white trim is good. Avoid beige as it is too is very feminine but if you are married, it seems stuffy for a man. Light curtains are better than heavy drapes. Dark colors are depressing in smaller rooms but work alright in larger rooms. The floor covering should compliment the walls...if you have carpeting, then that will dictate the color of the walls...and consequently the type of furniture suitable. But if it is a stark bare room, select furniture, and choose a complimentary paint and curtains...after you decide floor covering.
2006-08-21 11:52:49 UTC
Aesthetically speaking, it doesn't matter where you start. So, I'd start off with a few questions...

Are there any items that you are keeping?

Sort through these and see if any of them would go with a particular wall color. You'll save yourself some money rather than painting and then realizing that some furniture or accents you wanted to keep don't go with your new color.

Are there any items that you or your daughters really love?

Sometimes a whole decor can start with something as simple as a pillow or a "knick-knack."

I.e. - Maybe your daughter is ready to move on to a "big girl" theme, but still loves a teddy bear with a blue bow around its neck. You could start with this idea and plan a shelving arrangement with the bear featured. (You know, up high enough that she won't feel "baby-ish" but where she can still look and enjoy it.) Then, play your colors off of the tan in the bear or the blue in its ribbon. I've seen whole rooms planned off of the colors in a favorite pillow sham.

Also, consider flooring. It's probably the one thing in the room that would cost you the most to change. If it's a neutral floor color, like wood or a tan carpet, you could pick up almost any wall color with a throw rug, but if it's a particular rug color or tile, you want to consider that.

If you are still undecided, go to the hardware store. Ask them if they have any discounted batch colors. (Sometimes people pick a specialty color, have several gallons made, then get it home and decide its not what they wanted. If the store has a guarantee, they have no choice but to take it back and are stuck with someone's custom colors. Often, they'll be happy to get rid of it at a deep discount.) Maybe something someone else didn't like will look perfect to you and you'll save big!

If you are more of a visual person, and need to see everything together. Check out the Behr paint website. It has a section where you can select different colors for wall, moulding, accent, etc. and it will put them all together in a picture for you to get an idea of what a finished product will look like.

Good luck!
2006-08-19 17:30:07 UTC
I would say, if you're starting from scratch( an empty room) I would consider the theme first. For example, do you plan on having expensive ornaments, sparsely dispersed, or an african theme, do you plan to have china cabinets full of trinkets, and if so, what kind? You should try to consider all the factors... is the room very small? If so, you probably don't want dark colors, it'll look smaller. Again, if you will have many ornaments, the room might look too busy with dark walls. All in all, I would think about both, there are many shades of paint and the ornaments don't neccessarily have to be the same color. Try to pick a paint shade, in general, before you have the decor and then you can pick the exact shade when you're ready to put the room together.(at most paint stores, you can match the paint to something you bring in, or at least very close) Good luck!
2006-08-19 14:16:18 UTC
No, don't choose the wall color first. Choose your theme first. Several previous answerers have suggested good methods for choosing a theme - such as an inspiration piece, bedding, colors that flatter you, etc. Whatever your method, your theme will suggest ideas for wall color choice (and window treatments, floor treatments, accessories, etc.

When you actually get down to the nitty gritty of carrying out your redecorating project, of course you do the actual wall-painting first. It's neater that way. But you have to have a good reason for choosing the wall color and unless you choose boring white walls, your choice should be influenced by what you want to put in the room, what you want the mood of the room to be, even what type of room it is and what kind of exposure it has (a room with northern exposure will receive little direct sun while one with a southern exposure may have sun all the time). Example: In a house in the north central US, decorating a room with a northern exposure blue might yield a room that feels cold. In contrast, a brighter or warmer color choice might at least create a warmer, cozier feel.

However, don't agonize over color choice. In the first place, painting is one of the cheapest changes you can make to a room. To be on the safe side, remember that colors on sample chips will probably look a lot darker when you do an entire wall in that color. So lighter tints may be wise choices. And consider neutrals (other than white) where you are not settling on a distinct color such as blue or green or yellow. It is practical to have your wall color be neutral enough that you don't have to repaint every time you buy a new bedspread or hang a picture.

Also, do consider ragging and faux finish techniques which can create interesting textures.

Happy decorating.
2006-08-21 09:36:59 UTC
I would look at decor first, you can always find a paint color to match but finding the style and colors of decor may not be as easy depending on what is in fashion at the time vs what you would like to do with the room. Paint is just a matter of going to the local paint store with a sample of what you want to match and letting them mix the color.

Now I would paint the room first before actually puting the items in the room but choose the decor first and just store it somewhere else until the room is painted.

Best of Luck
2006-08-20 03:59:00 UTC
You need to have the whole room in your mind, but start with decor. NOT meaning you're going to put all of your decor in decide on paint remove start painting and put it back in. What will happen (trust me, this WILL happen) When you have a picture in your mind how you want the room to look in the end, you'll go shopping a find ONE thing that you have to have to make that room sing to you! Whether it's the coffee table, the cuckoo clock in pink and turquoise, or the picture of the leopard, you'll find something and then you'll do the room around the colors and other pieces that would fit with whatever struck your fancy! Everything will start to fit and then the paint will be just to highlight the decore. Don't shy away from bold paint though, that's a huge mistake a new decorator makes. Go with your gut and go with your favorite colors, don't let anyone tell you they're too much!
2015-11-05 17:35:31 UTC
NOT meaning you're going to put all of your decor in decide on paint remove start painting and put it back in. What will happen (trust me, this WILL happen) When you have a picture in your mind how you want the room to look in the end, you'll go shopping a find ONE thing that you have to have to make that room sing to you! Whether it's the coffee table, the cuckoo clock in pink and turquoise, or the picture of the leopard, you'll find something and then you'll do the room around the colors and other pieces that would fit with whatever struck your fancy! Everything will start to fit and then the paint will be just to highlight the decore. Don't shy away from bold paint though, that's a huge mistake a new decorator makes. Go with your gut and go with your favorite colors, don't let anyone tell you they're too much!
American Girl
2006-08-21 19:05:47 UTC
You don't want to paint the room and then have a difficult time finding things to go in it because of the color you chose.

I would start with the bedding and choose paint and other decorations around that. You can find sheets or any fabric or even paper with a color that you like and have Lowe's color match it (they are usually an exact match).

I'd take everything out..cover the whole floor with those paper tarps with a plastic layer on the bottom (it keeps any paint drippings from soaking through into the floor)...also tape it down all the way around the room ...that'll suck but it keeps it from moving around or from paint getting through the edges...
2006-08-21 18:04:16 UTC
First choose the decor or theme that you love. Then you can pick out a paint color that matches it but isn't too overpowering that it distracts from your decor. There are a million colors of paint so you will always be able to find one that goes well with the decor, however, if you get the paint first you might have trouble finding enough matching accessories to fill the room.
Janine G
2006-08-21 04:24:29 UTC
I would say, through years of experience (some painful!) That you should choose your decor first. The reason I say this is because I once wanted to do my downstairs in a very pretty faux finish that I handbrushed and it was fabulous. I did so and then I stood back and realized that some items that were dear to me like Gramma's couch throw and my antique "this and that" just didn't work so well. I say to gather the things you love.. old or new and then figure what they have in common and narrow it down from there. If you love the walls and you stand back and realize that your pieces just can't fit in... you are in trouble. Gather the items/furniture you like, the things that make you feel good...and then ask yourself what will compliment the things that make you happy. Start from the center and work out. Just my two cents. If you are painting little Johnny's room and you pick a wall shade... then you go to the store looking for some cool items, Johnny might see some far out dresser that just won't work with the walls and he just can't live without it. Let them pick the decor that will please them, then grab a 99 cent color wheel and go from there.
2006-08-21 19:32:49 UTC
I just did 2 rooms and a vestibule in my place. I first thought of the general effect I wanted. In one room, I wanted to feel like I am outside on an early summer day... green is the overall color then, with brown, and flowery accents. The exact shade of green was the hardest thing. Paints can look different in the store than on your wall. I ended up with a kind of light thalo green, which goes with everything. did the trim both white and dark green,,, and the floor is wooden,so I refinished that. I searched and searched for the right curtains, and was getting discouraged when I just happened to be passing through a children's department and find curtains that are white and then rainbow.

The other room had a problem,, it is dark because of trees outside the northern window.. so that had to be a light color... I wanted it to look like the sun was shining through, and also natural. I found a pale custard and did that, and found light curtains with a few big roses on them. wood furniture, wood floor, and a rug that is tan and forest green accent.

So I think the theme comes first, the exact shade of paint is important, then the accent colors. but the poster whose 'inspiration' was somethjing that would be a center piece and everything built around that works too. If you have some very important items that are your centerpieces,, then you need the paint and curtains to go with those.
2006-08-21 11:59:21 UTC
Pick a theme first. Then go with the colors you like and pick everything you want in the room. After putting it all on paper or computer program then you will be ready for the painting and decor. Never do anything to a room without knowing where you are headed first.
2006-08-21 00:21:49 UTC
You need an inspiration piece to start from. Find something that you really like. It can be a picture or a pillow or bedspread a Nick nac or whatever but find that one thing that you really really like and then build off that. Do not start w/ the paint and try to match your other items or you may end up not finding things that match. Instead, buy your bedding and whatever else you want to work off off and take a piece of whatever color you decide to paint to your paint store. They can match the paint perfectly. You only need a piece as big as a dime usually. It can be just pillow case or whatever as long as it's fairly flat so they can fit it under the computer scanning device. You will be addicted to decorating after you do one room. Good luck and have fun.
Another Guy
2006-08-20 11:36:59 UTC
First, I always figure out what the theme of the room will be when I'm done. Get the stuff, then get the paint. I'll explain.

When I painted my kitchen, I had already picked out the stuff that would go into the kitchen - red pots and pans, the European look for pictures and for the clock. My kitchen is small, and I wanted it to look bigger. After I got what I wanted to go on the walls, I went to Walmart and got the color cards samples for paint, and found the shade of paint that I wanted to contrast the best with what I already had for my kitchen. It all turned out well, but if I had bought paint that I liked best (which was actually a totally different color) without comparing it to what would be on the wall, it probably wouldn't have turned out as good.

With your bedroom, it would probably be best to go with getting the accessories first, then finding a paint that will make whatever you want people to see first and foremost in the room stand out. The clock in the kitchen is what everybody sees first, and the paint in the kitchen really made it stand out.
2006-08-20 11:05:57 UTC
I have had a lot of experience decorating rooms and I find it easier to pick the paint color before you pick the decor. Its easier to pick the paint color because them you will have an idea of what colors you want the bed spread or the curtains to be for example. A good paint color for a bedroom would be a soft beige or cream color. A nice color for a bed spread would be a gold color. And for a little bit of fun colors, you should make the curtains and bedroom accessories such as a lamp the color red. You should also have the rug be a shade of red. All of these colors are perfect for Fall.
2006-08-20 10:17:57 UTC
I think you should look at what decor is available to you first. Why I say this is because there is unlimited paint color's available to you at the paint store where as you will probably be limited on what you can buy in your area. So go out and see what there is that you like first.

You could pick out some paint colors you like and take the little free paint cards with you to shop but I would definately not paint before seeing what is out there to buy. You might end up having to repaint which could get expensive.
2006-08-20 08:53:47 UTC
Choose your style/theme first. Go virtual shopping, online, magazines, thrift stores furniture stores etc... look at items you think you might like to have in your home. Think of the functionality of your room and plan accordingly. You don't actually have to buy and bring home the items, but you can order them so that when you're done painting and prepping the room you can have it delivered or pick it up & move the stuff on in. (Smaller items can wait for the re-do in another room) Save yourself a bit of money by hitting garage/yard sales and thrift stores you might get some vintage pieces that need just a bit of re-working to make it work in your room. Take a large piece of paper and put an outline of the room on it (or a printed out (enlarged) digital photo of the room when empty), then put cut-outs of fabric swatches, pictures of furniture pieces in a general layout of what you have planned out so far. Then take that to the paint store with you. Start looking at color samples compared to your pieces and fabric samples. Then you should have a better idea of what color(s) you want to use in the room. There's even inexpensive programs you can buy or borrow from the library that you can input a digital photo of the room you're doing and see what it would look like with different colors of paint & styles of furniture. If you do it this way you'll save yourself some trouble in the long run because you just might pick out a color then later on see a piece of furniture you fall in love with but it totally clashes with the color of the walls and once the color is mixed into the paint most paint stores will not take it back even if you don't use it.
2006-08-19 13:29:15 UTC
The first thing to do is to measure your room. You need to be sure how much space you really have. Then what kind of theme you want to room to be for example if you think when you are in it how you want to feel, relax, excited, neutral?? Then take a foam board and a couple of color pencils and start a collage to see what happen, use magazine as a reference etc. After that just organize all your ideas in a paper and got to the store. Have fun.

You should pick the paint first and remember your measurements because some colors are better for smaller rooms than others and if you plan to buy furniture you know what pieces you can and can not buy. Don't forget to buy at least a couple of flowers please natural ones they are always a good way to finish a room.

Good luck!!
2006-08-19 07:40:38 UTC
If you see a something decorative that you love buy it. Then buy other things of the sort and paint the room to match that. Everyone could use a little inspiration.

But if you find a color that you love then try that instead.

Or you could find a bed set that you just have to have...get it! Paint the room around that.

I would pick the decor, then match the paint with it: What if you've already painted your room and find something that you want, but its not the right color?
2006-08-19 06:32:09 UTC
Pick your decor first. Paint can be matched by computer to fit any color scheme that you choose. Think about something that you love and go with it. Do you want country or contemporary, transitional? Think about what you really like and the over all feel you are trying to get in your room, then pick your paint. It doesn't have to be a theme room, it just needs to be a place that when you sit down and look around you feel relaxed and you can say "I did this". Create your own paradise, it's lots of fun as I've been doing it for years. Sometimes what is in my mind comes out and sometimes I miss the mark. Tear out sheets of pictures out of mag's and find your own style and color that you want, then shoot for that. Set your budget and stick with it. It's amazing what a coat of paint can do to used furniture. Have fun, hey, did I see a speck of paint on your nose?!
2006-08-21 15:20:13 UTC
First decide what is going on the beds: comforter, duvet etc. Usually the bed or beds are the largest thing in the room, that is why you choose them first. Find window treatments that either match or compliment the bed coverings. Then, take a swatch of material used to the paint store and have a test pot mixed to try on a wall. When you are happy with the colour paint away.
2006-08-21 08:39:54 UTC
Never never never paint first. ALWAYS choose the decorum before paint. The reason for that being due to the fact that it is much easier to adjust paint to better match the decorum than it is to match decorum to paint. With paint, there are thousands of colors to choose from, and some places will let you create your own color to better match your furniture and accessories. If you were to choose your paint first, you will find that it's much more difficult to find the furniture you like and want in the colors you need to match the paint color. If possible, once you have your decorum picked out, take swatches of fabric from the bed spread or bedroom furniture to help you better choose a complimentary paint. At most stores that sell paint, they now have a computer that you can take a swatch of color to (no matter what the material the color is on) and place it in the machine and it will create the exact color of paint as the one on the swatch and even tells the store clerk the steps to create that color of paint for your walls! I hope this helps and good luck!
2006-08-20 08:46:42 UTC
I would look at the decore you already have, do you even like it anymore? Choose a few pieces taht still attract you and go with a color from those decor.

I just redid my bedroom. I chose the color first. I wasn't even thinking I had all of my things put in storage so i had bare walls bare floors a whole bare room... I completely started over was the plan. But now that I have unpacked things I am realizing I should have went with the decor choice first for to wait until you find a new one you like could be well.. awhile. Go with the inspirational peice so you have a few decor and then yes you can add as you go.
2006-08-19 23:45:52 UTC
It's easier to match the paint to the decor, as you can get paint in virtually any shade of the colors you decide on. I'd pick up a few paint strips initially to get an idea which hues you really like and see which ones contrast or blend well. That will help you with your room decor purchases. Have fun !!
tc 77
2006-08-21 21:02:57 UTC
I would pick out the decor first and then take her favorite piece the hard where store. That way they can give you some of the best ideas of how to paint her room. If you just go ahead and paint it first, she may change her mind while looking for decor. This is the way that I did my room and it turn out to be everything that I wanted and more.
2006-08-20 23:47:37 UTC
When I decorated my kitchen and dining room, I chose the theme first and then the paint. If you pick a paint that you like and then decide a theme, the paint color may not go along with your decided theme. Picking the paint first may make you feel like your theme options are limited. Once you find a theme, you can pick one of the colors in the theme and get the paint to match it ........hope that helps.
2006-08-20 23:12:12 UTC
Hey you.

Pick a decor first. Try to write down your taste or idea for that particular room. You may want to go "window shopping to like Pier 1, Ethan Allen, or Bassett Furniture to take a look of different themes. Look through books at the book store or magazines. Go to "Target" and find patterns you like. Then when you get the idea of the pattern and theme, choose a color or two for your room. For example: Choose a darker color for two sides of the wall and a lighter shade for the other two walls to add contrast. Make sure the lighter shade is no more than two or three shades lighter than the darker color you chose.

And the same thing for the furniture. For example: for a living room, choose a dark couch and chose a lighter lovesofa, or single chairs that ar lighter than the couch to add contrast to the room. The lighter chairs or loveseat can be accented with decorated pillows of different patterns that are darker than the chairs. Make sure your patterns fall in the same color wheel you chose for your original paint. That way even though you have different patterns and accent throws, the colors of your walls are still reflected somewhere in the room but not over dramatically. Then chose solids such as rare shaped vases, book cases, candle holders, unique earth tones decorative pieces, and don't forget your beautiful rug. (If you already have rug in your bedroom, then you don't need to worry about it). You can add a beautiful valance /curtain type of decoration over your headboard to give it a slpash of style! I hope this helps.

Try this book- The Space Planner "A Home Decorating, Design, Workbook". by Meg Mateo Llasco

I highly recommend it, you can take notes, ideas, design, and complete! $19.99 at Barnes and Best Wishes on your project. And don't forget to visit the website for more creative tips. .....Laura
2006-08-20 06:46:33 UTC
I can't believe you intend to start literally from nothing. Even wealthy people don't buy everything new. So put everything you already have that will go in this room together, on a neutral surface if possible, and pick out colors that draw your eye from among them. That quilt your grandmother made; what is its dominant color. What wood tones in the furniture? OK; if you don't have a single paint color from this, perhaps one accent wall of something rather dramatic (probably behind the head of the bed) and the rest a soft pastel or neutral that coordinates well.

Now the rest of the pieces you buy will need to be at home in that room. But the room was already created by the things you already love.
2006-08-20 01:45:57 UTC
Hello . Without a question, you should decide on and pick up your accoutrement's before you pick the paint. Heres why. The multitude of items you have in mind for the room is just the beginning. There are countless items that you will see in the beginning as well as many more as time passes that will fit in with your personal taste and style. The decor you decide upon as well as the accessories are usually multicolored or have a color scheme.These unchangeable colors will give you many choices for the color of your walls,windows and trim work.The overall color should enhance the color of your possessions and the estethic elegance will reflect your personality and charm. You will do fine.
2006-08-19 20:02:27 UTC
You really should pick out the decor first. That way you can choose a color from your decor so it matches well. You don't have to decorate the room till your through painting and this will give you a base line to start at and more choices for colors to use.
2006-08-18 23:39:00 UTC
First of all, pick a theme or a color scheme. If you pick a color scheme, then it doesn't matter which comes first, i.e., whether you choose the paint color first or you choose your decor first. But you still have to paint the walls before you move the stuff in. But if there is a theme, then you have to shop for the furniture and decor first but do not have them delivered until you have painted your walls and dressed up your windows. After having shopped for your furniture and decor, choose your window dressing to match. Lights are also important coz' if they don't go with the theme, your room won't look nice. Imagine modern lightings in a classic room? Or a classic table lamp in a modern room?
2006-08-21 12:50:23 UTC
Hello: As a mom who has redone their children's rooms many times, I suggest you look at the information you already have. Do your children request a specific color? Then start with that. Or do you children request a certain theme? Then start with that. I would move everything out of the room. It is so much easier to paint that way and less messy mistakes. If you are only redoing half the room, stay with the current color and redecorate with the theme that child is interested in.
2006-08-21 11:45:32 UTC
Hi,Sara...well I would pick a decor of colors that you like. Then you can always match up different shades of paint according to your items that are going back into your room. They match paint these day's real well,so so so many different shades. I,like to do the ceiling in a different color then the walls. But,I know that different people have different tastes. Have a wonderful time doing your room,I'm sure that it will turn out just wonderful....good day.
2006-08-19 00:56:41 UTC
I recommend choosing the paint first. Many times when looking at a sample color you might find once applied to walls etc. it is too light, too dark. Perhaps it encloses the room. Or worse doesn't carry the aura in which you were looking for. The paint will be a integral part of the entire space. If your style of decor is already chosen, find the paint before the actual pieces. And another point, try not to purchase all pieces at the same time. Sometimes an eclectic approach to a "theme" makes it all your own
Jim T
2006-08-19 00:47:47 UTC
You should go in with a solid plan of action. Have an idea of both the color (paint) and the decor. If you choose one, with the assumption that you are going to find what you want in the other, you might not find a match.

Likely, it would be easier to pick decor and furnishing first, then blend the paint to whatever color you need. But a solid plan beforehand will simplify both decisions, as well as any other choices to be made along the way.
2006-08-20 17:12:43 UTC
Start with the decor, as those are the things that you will look at the most. If you paint first, then you will have to only pick things that match the color, but with decor, there are several paints that would match. Good Luck
2006-08-20 17:11:35 UTC
Pick your primary fabric items first. You can't change them.

Paint can be mixed to match whatever comforter you select for your bed.

Get color swatches of everything and do a color board of your fabrics and paints. This way you can be sure of color matches before starting.

Any place that sells paints has a huge selection of color chips to match your fabrics. Just remember you can easily cover pillows yourself in just the right color by buying fabric.

Good luck and remember empty your room to paint and tape door frames and baseboards with blue painters tape and Absolutely cover your flooring. Cleaning up after is a nightmare if you don;t take precautions first.
2006-08-20 14:21:47 UTC
I think I would try and see the whole picture first, such as how the light reflects the room at different times of day. Lighten a dark room with light paint. After you have made the decision about the lighting then you can shop for decor, then use the paint to accentuate your decor.
2006-08-20 09:35:01 UTC
keep in mind what type of theme you want than go from there. start out with the paints because it will be easier to paint an empty room rather than have to move trying to paint around all the decors. from experience.i know that usually i would have a very specific theme that i wants, make a list and try to get all of the stuffs together. better yet why don't you draw a picture what you have in mind and that's way you have a picture to model after....
2006-08-20 05:18:25 UTC
It really is much easier to choose the carpets, drapes, bedspreads, furniture style, etc. and then look for paint colors to complement them. If you buy a floral print sofa, for example, it's would be simpler to match up a paint color from the sofa than it would be to paint a room a specific color green and then try to find a sofa style and color that would go with that particular green. Don't hesitate to ask for help at a real paint store (not just Home Depot or Lowes).
2006-08-19 12:16:54 UTC
Pick the decor first!

The decor and furniture is what you are the most comfortable with. It is a reflection of your tastes. After you pick that, you can choose the paint, as well as have it custom matched to your preference. This is easily done at any major paint retailer, as they have a computer that will read colors, and give them the ability to add tint to the paint and come up with any color.
2006-08-19 08:04:15 UTC
Girl,you gonna have to buy the paint first then choose the items cuz I been through this B4 it was a time when I bought all the items then painted the room and it end up not matching with the color,but I see it now that it don't really matter which one you buy 1rst but I suggest you to paint first so dat you won't end up buyind different Decor's and not knowing which color to paint your room cuz of the different Decor's, but paint your room first that's better so dat you know what color and shades of Decors to buy!!!!!! Hope this helps!!!! :-)
2006-08-19 08:00:57 UTC
Choose decor, then paint... but do the actually painting first, so you don't mess up your new decor ; )

I think you will enjoy your room more because of the decor than the paint.

Let your decor inspire your creativity. : )

Paint is simple to match.... most places will do it for you with a swatch or something. I always take something, even an item from my decor, to match colors myself. It's free to have the color customized.

Are you going for a scheme or theme?

Themes get boring to me, unless it's something you really love and want to look at for a long time~like my angel decor!


((( Wish it were me! )))
2006-08-19 07:48:05 UTC
The decor first. You may like French

Provincial, but you certainly wouldn't

want it in a room that you had decided

you just loved bright red at the paint

chip counter!

Don't put the stuff in the room,

just pick it out.

Then choose the paint to go with it.

Then paint the room,

then put in the furnishings.

Have fun
2006-08-21 12:48:57 UTC
I would suggest getting the decor first especially if the girls have something or you have something already in mind and then pick a paint that goes with it from there. Otherwise you may pick a paint and not be able to get decor that both matches and everybody likes
Casey M
2006-08-21 12:00:15 UTC
i would pick everything out first before you paint. its much easier to pick a paint color to match the bedding and decor. also you can take a pillow or something small from the room to where ever you are going to buy the paint to match the colors better and you dont have to worry about clashing with anything. good luck!
Natalie M
2006-08-21 07:25:25 UTC
I would pick out the decor first, I think it would be much easier to find a matching paint to go with the decor, then to find decor to go with the paint. once you have all the decor picked out. I would take a couple of your favorite colors to the paint store with you. And go with a shade variation of that one or two colors you like the best. I mean a couple items of your decor with you to the store.
2006-08-20 07:28:36 UTC
Definitely the decor first, because sometimes when you have just a speck of color in a sofa or something and you just love the color then you can match your paint to that. But it also gives you a wider spectrum of colors to choose from, where as if you have to match things to paint your options become quite a bit smaller. I envy you, I LOVE redecorating.
2006-08-19 19:11:44 UTC
first you must be able to be comftorable with the big items in the room...first think about what it is you will be doing in the room, then think about the comfort and usability, start shopping for the

items that best fit this picture...then add color...color is the least

expensive item! you can always cover it up or remove the items to paint the room...painting a room is no-biggie...those high dollar items are the biggie and hard to return...paint can always be repainted...repainting a room from time to time can be the ticket to the inexpensive change you need from time to time...paint is your least of worries can always pick out paint....the colors

are not so hard...and if you don't like it it is more easy to repaint than it is to afford to shop and change your whole theme, or furniture
2006-08-19 13:48:04 UTC
Whatever works best for you,I choose the decor first and then painted to match some of the colors in my decor.If you see some decor that you really have to have then get it and choose a paint color to match!
2006-08-19 01:03:20 UTC
Go to the hardware or wherever your getting the paint.

The store should have color cards, this will help you to purchase the right colored items to match the paint.

Most important thing, what color are your walls now? You might have to primer the walls to get the right color.

If your walls are blue for example, when you put the new paint on, the color will be different. You have to go with white walls to get the right shade. Just ask for the color cards and start from there. Don't forget the primer, if walls are dark or bright colors.
2006-08-21 14:15:48 UTC
You are getting some bad advice. For a bedroom first pick the bedding (bedspread/comforter etc) Find something you love. Then from that pick your background color (wall color). Believe me this is the best way. In the bedroom the bed is the focal point. If you put your most favorite color on the wall, what are you going to do with the bed? You will find yourself shopping forever for the one perfect bedspread that goes with the walls. You may never find it. Last of all pick the accessories (rug,lamp, pictures)
Mama Jazzy Geri
2006-08-21 02:20:10 UTC
In my opinion I would take my fabrics to the paint store and they can assist you on which color would work best with it. Remember they can adjust the color you select make it pastel or other tints and hues.

The paint chips they have on cards are great for taking home and holding up to your walls and furniture. This way you won't have a paint you selected first that does not blend with the other things in the room. Nothing worse then doing all that labor and not being happy in the end...So I vote...DECOR FIRST PAINT LAST...good luck
2006-08-19 15:38:20 UTC
It really doesn't matter. I would say it might be easier if you picked out the decorations first, that way you'll have a better feel of what color you want. Whereas if you choose the paint first then you might not find everything you want that would match with that color. Have fun and good luck!
2006-08-19 13:06:02 UTC
Pick items you like first. don't put them in your room yet like all the other people think you will. once you've picked out bed sheets or something big like that, pick a color that doesn't appear as much as the main color in the object/set. if you pick the main color in the bed sheets to paint on your walls, then that color becomes VERY over powering. unless you really, really, really like that color and can live with it for most of the day i wouldn't pick the main color in the sheets.

Good luck!! it's always fun to redecorate a room :)
2014-06-30 05:47:26 UTC
Do you want country or contemporary, transitional? Think about what you really like and the over all feel you are trying to get in your room, then pick your paint. It doesn't have to be a theme room, it just needs to be a place that when you sit down and look around you feel relaxed and you can say "I did this". Create your own paradise, it's lots of fun as I've been doing it for years. Sometimes what is in my mind comes out and sometimes I miss the mark.
2016-03-17 03:50:24 UTC
Sure. I think I'd a prefer a very clear clean orange to a milky one, but what really matters is how the color you choose will look with the light in your room. I'd buy two pieces of vellum board, or maybe just find cardboard from a refrigerator box or something to coat with primer and paint. You can move the painted boards around, see how the color looks in sunlight, how strong the color is when it reflects off itself in corners, and all that. Living with painted boards in your room so you can see how the corners will look in all light conditions is worth the effort. Colored walls are trickier to work with than off white walls. You don't always think of walls as reflective, like mirrors, but they are . That's why your green walls weren't working with your pink fabrics. If you have a lot of pink in the room, and sunlight is filtered through pink sheers, this will add pink to the color of your walls, so if you want an orange effect, you might want a very yellow orange. If you get a lot of yellow sunlight, a cream color with just a hint of yellow might have a nice orangey effect, and you may not need to repaint when you change color schemes again.
2014-06-14 10:00:22 UTC
I have always picked the decor before I pick the paint. Only because there always seem to be more choices in paint then there is in furniture. I look for furniture that I am crazy about (and can afford), and then pick paint to bring the whole thing together.
Miss America
2006-08-21 11:09:08 UTC
The decor first of course. Get a theme in mind. For example: a seashore theme would be a light blue paint, a floral theme may be a light green, or light pink paint, you will probably end up with a cream color or white paint in the end though because that color makes a room look bigger and cleaner anyway.

Feel free to visit: for all your decorating needs!!!!
2006-08-21 10:51:53 UTC
I know your pain...I'm getting ready to do the same thing. When I redid the kitchen and office I picked the paint first and the accessories after, going on a theme I had figured in my mind. But this time, I've already eyeballed the throw pillows, comforters, area rug and I'm going to work in the paint to coordinate with the accessories. Either way actually works. It really depends on how much thought and creativity you've got your mind set on.
2006-08-21 00:26:16 UTC
Clearly, choose the decor first. It is a heck of a lot easier to choose the paint to match the decor than to choose the decor to go with the paint, and if you decide that you don't like the combo, re-painting is a lot less expensive.
2006-08-20 10:40:46 UTC
Always choose your decor first. Then bring a sampling of the colors you picked to the paint store. Any great paint store can help you choose the right colors for your room. I went to Home Depot and the lady there choose the perfect colors for my kitchen. I have never been happier.
2006-08-20 05:48:24 UTC
I think it's best to decide on your decor. Find a bed set you love and go from there. The bed will always be the focal point of a bedroom and that's the biggest piece of colour (besides the walls). You will find that once you find your bed set you will be able to pick out colours from it or colours that compliment it for your curtains and other decor. Your wall colour should be last (and it will just come to you. hold the fabric to the wall and voila! Remember you don't need to match everything, different colours compliment each other, use your eye to determine what you like best)

It is easier to find a colour for your walls to compliment your decor than the other way around.
2006-08-20 01:17:26 UTC
Personally, I'd paint the room first to flow with the rest of the house.

If you paint your walls a neutral have the option to redecorate and accessorize without having to paint again later.

Unless, of course, you want the wall color to stand out instead of your items/furniture, etc.
Not Dave
2006-08-19 21:46:41 UTC
Paint first.... Also, I'd go with colors that convey the mood of the room. Green's great for kitchens, pastels are calming for bedrooms, but no matter what, all black isn't good at all. If you want to avoid color, go with white. Black creates suicide thoughts. Vibrant colors are very daring, (don't use red for bedrooms, it causes insomnia) and if you do go with something vibrant it creates a nice feel if you color 1 or 2 walls vibrantly and the other walls another color... It looks modern. Plus, it'd be a lot smarter to paint it first, because, where would you store the items while you paint, ya know? I hope that helps...
2006-08-19 17:55:08 UTC
I see half are telling you paint and half decor.

I say, pick a theme.. a item or pillow or anything that make you want to decorate around it... THEN paint the walls to compliment or match it.. THEN decorate to do the same.. then when you are done... everything will go well with everything around it.. starting with that one item that no one will be able to guess was your inspiration to do the WHOLE room. Good luck.
2006-08-19 17:01:15 UTC
Pick the decor first, find a suitable paint color, then paint, then put the furniture in... don't go with paint first, but of course it is fine to have a shade in mind... but once you get the decor, bring a range of paint chips that may match, then pick off that...
lana k
2006-08-19 16:19:48 UTC
redecorating is like a painting try to visualize what color you want your background to be then go from there. In this case I would call your walls your background or base color. Then decide what drapes and floor colors you want a lot of times the people in the paint department can help you with that and always try to figure budget before you start.
2006-08-19 08:43:58 UTC
You need to pick a basic color, say for an accent wall. Then look for the other items at store to make sure you can find what you want. We have spent months looking for grey bathroom items and finally found them.

IF you buy the items first, though it is easier to match them to a paint color. I carry a small bath matt looking for a matching blue.

And try doing some reserach online before you go otherwise you will be driving alot.

The fun is really in the search
FL Girl
2006-08-19 15:40:50 UTC
I would pick the decor first. Just go out and look around and see what you like. It will be easier to match the paint with what you have picked out for the decor than having to match decor with paint.
2006-08-18 20:21:05 UTC
Choose the decor first. The most important piece on the bedroom is the bed, go from there to pick up the accessories. After that, think of the colors that you don't like, discard them. If you want your bedroom to be peaceful, choose pastel colors, if you want a bit of contrast, pick a darker shade of the basic color to accent 1 wall. Lowe's and Home Depot has a lot of color ideas on the paint aisle. Another source is the paint's maker website, some of them has virtual spaces that you can color in and check if you like your picks.
2006-08-21 11:44:08 UTC
pick the decor first and then go with paint. With the setup that they have at most hardwarestores now, you can match the paint to a certain colo0r scheme in the things that you have got for the room.
2006-08-21 11:38:14 UTC
Okay so you may not even read this answer, because there have been 250 before me, but here goes.

I have always picked the decor before I pick the paint. Only because there always seem to be more choices in paint then there is in furniture. I look for furniture that I am crazy about (and can afford), and then pick paint to bring the whole thing together.

Good luck and God Bless,

2015-02-04 09:40:43 UTC
It's been obvious to the whole world that Shin won. She was up by 1 point with only 1 second left and the clock did not stop, giving the German the opportunity to score again. Then making the girl wait for a 1/2 hour on the mat while they decided against her, making her cry. Shame on the Olympics , the judges , anyone involved. Shin won.
2006-08-21 16:23:43 UTC
The first thing you should do is find something such as a pillow, bedspread or a picture for the wall. Something should be your inspiration to give you colors you want to work with. You can always get paint to match anything you decorate with. Have fun. Don't be afraid to paint one color and accessorize with another.
karen wonderful
2006-08-21 10:51:25 UTC
I always start with the duvet cover and take the colors from it. A floral or plaid has lots of different colors. Then I start pulling colors from that piece to paint and add accents like shelving, pillows, lamps and pictures. Usually there will be matching curtains, or coordinating, with the duvet cover.
2006-08-20 14:04:32 UTC
One I think you should do is both. I think you should pick out a decor that you like. Then paint the bedroom a color that goes with whatever you picked out. Then you should put the decor over the paint.
2006-08-19 23:06:00 UTC
in my opinion if you pick the paint first you might have trouble finding the decor that you want in order to match the paint. pick a theme then find the accessories and find a common color in all those accessories it will make the room look complete. and relaxing instead of laying there thinking that there is something missing you will never be able to relax then.
2006-08-19 15:48:47 UTC
Buy your decor items first. Then you can take one of those items to the paint store and have them color match the paint to whatever you want.
um yea hi
2006-08-19 12:55:32 UTC
In my opinion, choose the decor. If you can't find a good paint color you can always get a color made for you at I think Home Depot (and other places) to match say the comfortor. Just bring in some of the fabric and you have it!
2006-08-19 10:44:04 UTC
It is easier to pick out your decor first. Then find a color for you walls that goes well. Believe me from experience, it's a lot easier. There are thousands of paint colors, but trying to find that duvet that matches the color you already put on your wall, well it is a lot more difficult.
faerie girl
2006-08-18 22:43:53 UTC
i'd at least have an idea of what my theme will be. you might have a couple of great things or pieces of furniture that inspire you. from there i'd coordinate the paint and accessories to go with it. i do recommend choosing the paint color and painting before you do the decorating...just to be sure that what you put in your room will go with the paint and not clash especially with what you choose for your bedding. it's a lot easier to change a different item or two than to re-paint!
2006-08-18 21:28:32 UTC
Depends on your budget. If you want to save money then paint the walls white and just think about the decor. If it's your first time then it's called "decorating" and not "redecorating". Themes are an Oprah show type thing. So that's still kind of a new thing. If you paint the walls in heavy colors then then next time you re-do the rooms you might have to use several coats of paint to cover that....From what my mother used to tell me, it's not a good thing to have many coats of paint on a wall.

I have to laugh, the last place (before here) that I lived in neither the walls nor the rug had been changed in 40 years.
educated guess
2006-08-21 12:08:26 UTC
Paint always goes last. If it was your living room, you would typically pick the rug first then build around it. Since it is a bedroom, you can do the same thing. Go with your fabrics, style and the paint will "happen."Seems backwards and a hassle, but it is not.
2006-08-20 18:26:23 UTC
I researched this when I was doing some painting; you pick out your decor first, like your bedcovering, etc. From the decor color(s) you picked you choose one of the colors (not a dominant one) and you match it with a paint color for your walls. Presto! Your room will be coordinated!
2006-08-20 17:52:57 UTC
Choose the decor items first. This will give you different options to work with in selecting a paint choice.
Night Angel
2006-08-20 05:24:37 UTC
hey, you can't paint first or pick the decor first. you should:

1 - pick your theme

2- pick the colours

3- pick the items( u see, items can be changed to suit the painted room. if you choose the items first, it would be time nad money wasting)

these are my methods when redecorate my only take me 2 days after i decide on the theme.....good luck
Pat M.
2006-08-19 15:42:07 UTC
I'll tell you what I did. Burgandy is my fav color so I bought all my stuff, bedspread, shams etc in that color, I offset it with white sheer curtains and white sheets. Then I put everything I bought on the bed and starting choosing wall colors. Since Burgandy is a dark color I ended up choosing light pink paint for walls, doors etc. It worked out great for me doing it that way. I wish you much success. Isn't it fun redecorating?
2006-08-19 14:46:09 UTC
In all honesty I say decor, cause you might be able to get a shade of paint you like from the decor in which you purchased. Actually I did that when I did my fifties bedroom, we chose the wallpaper and decor before getting the bedspreads and all. It was really fun t do. Try working with a theme, they are fun.
§uper ®ose
2006-08-19 10:20:09 UTC
Figure out the theme & pick the decor first. Paint can come after you've figured all that out cause there's an endless possibility when it comes to colors of paint & you can find one or more that compliment the decor you've picked.
2006-08-20 08:46:53 UTC
It is easier to pick a paint color once you have selected your decor. The decor tends to be more expensive anyway and harder to change and find. There are thousands of paint colors so matching the paint to the decor is easier.
2006-08-21 11:30:27 UTC
I would consider the decor first because there are a lot more paint choices than decor choices. So you will need to match quickly and not end up running from place to place to get it all together.
it's me!
2006-08-21 08:43:08 UTC
Decor first, then you can find a paint color. You want to pick something that will compliment your decor, and bring out the colors in it.

I picked out a light green paint for my bedroom and went ahead and painted it. When I went hunting for bedspreads, sheets, and curtains, I realized that I couldn't find anything that light green. Although I didn't repaint I had to change my color scheme.
2006-08-20 19:11:04 UTC
While physically you should paint first before you decorate, you should have a good idea in your head of what you want to achieve with the room. Select a few pieces that are going to anchor the room before you go shopping for a paint color.
Sweet Gran
2006-08-20 11:11:36 UTC
What is your inspiration? I find it best to have somewhere to start from. Is there a particular feel you want? Do you like a particular theme or style? Is it a mood you want to create? I usually see an item, a fancy pillow, a particular fabric, a gallon of 'Oops' paint (my favorite!), something to set me to thinking. Maybe the local discount home store has a ______ that I like. Then my imagination takes off from there. What's the worst that could happen? You can always repaint!
Smiley Freckles
2006-08-20 10:36:08 UTC
You should pick your theme/decor first because you can always go to a paint and they can mix your paint to match the color or colors that you pick out for your theme/decor.
2006-08-19 10:14:14 UTC
Buy the paint first. It will be much easier to match decor to a paint color you like than to buy a bunch of stuff and then try to find a paint color that matches it all.
Cheryl M
2006-08-21 20:49:53 UTC
I would definately pick the decor first and then find a paint that works with all of the items that you and your daughter love.
2014-05-30 08:17:39 UTC
I would pick the decor, then match the paint with it: What if you've already painted your room and find something that you want, but its not the right color?
lilly the pink
2006-08-21 15:06:03 UTC
I don't think you can be wrong with either way, although it is better to choose a colour that you find relaxing in a bedroom. You can choose quite nuetral colours for most of the walls, but go for a strong colour/wallpaper for the wall behind the bed., this will help you to choose accessories to match which will pick out the stronger colour theme. It also means that if you find that you don't like the strong colour, you only have one wall to repaint!!
2006-08-21 10:50:59 UTC
If you have a fave color, start with it. You can pick different hues of that color and go from there. If you have or find one piece you just love and that totally reflects you it may be easier to start there. For instance, I started with my fave color when I went to redecorate my room. I love red. So I found a great terra cotta color, painted the walls, added sages, golds, more reds... until I had just the look I wanted to suit me. So pick one thing that best suits you (be it a piece of decor or a color). Start small, go big. Have at it! And have fun!
2006-08-20 11:06:47 UTC
The paint because you wouldn't want to decorate it and then paint. Paint the room and give it time to dry while you're at the store finding things to match it.
2006-08-20 09:15:13 UTC
Get the decor first, that way if you find something you like you can easily choose the paint color that will match or compliment your things
2006-08-20 23:18:49 UTC
it really depends on what is more important to you. If you the wall color is going to be the highlight of the room then go with paint first. If the decor will be the high light then do the obvious, its really up to you what you do with it, take your time and plan every thing out. The biggest thing is have fun and use your imagination!
rasheda c
2006-08-20 09:35:27 UTC
I was watching a show with oprah talking about her inspiration for decorating her home was finding a great picture and working the colors in the room based on the colors in the picture.and also don't feel like you have to decorate all at one time.just room by room and also think about what are you favorite colors and work from there you can have a green room,a blue room etc, good luck.
2006-08-20 08:52:37 UTC
you need a theme of what you want and what kind of decoration are going to be in the room and then pick a paint color that will complement the decorations
2006-08-20 06:56:58 UTC
You may first have to decide what you want the room to look like. Is it going to be a warm ethnic place, or a minimalistic urban space or anything in between.

For a grunge look, and ethnic finish, say with ethnic furniture, decor and stuff, you will have to stick to earthy/natural shades.

For minimalism, white, gray, or grayscale notes should work wonders. You can team these with urbane colors and posters (try

So, whatever it is going to be, you need to visualize a consistent theme and everything else will fall in place.

All the very best! :^)
2006-08-19 21:37:56 UTC
Denise W
2006-08-18 19:44:38 UTC
The paint-color is the easiest part. Pick the "color scheme" of the entire room using the furniture and linens as your guidelines.

I took a decorator pillow with a great design or a fabulous colorful patterned high back chair in another room, and my favorite vase and build the room around it. It is all about me and I live in the it.

I purchase traditional wood furniture and change the linens, curtains and wall color around it, its a cheaper faster change.

My best advise is ONLY put a color on the bed and walls that you look beautiful IN...since its the bedroom or at you office desk, you are pleasing yourself and others in that space.

Good luck.
2014-06-23 17:42:17 UTC
if you want a bit of contrast, pick a darker shade of the basic color to accent 1 wall. Lowe's and Home Depot has a lot of color ideas on the paint aisle. Another source is the paint's maker website, some of them has virtual spaces that you can color in and check if you like your picks.
2006-08-21 17:06:20 UTC
Find something special to you that you want to incorporate in the room (pillow, picture, etc.) Pull colors from that piece and choose a paint that matches. Greens, Blues, and Lavenders tend to be calming in a bedroom.
Cutie ♥
2006-08-21 02:41:24 UTC
First the paint of course,because you have to clean your room from any furniture(while you are at it,just clean the clutter of your room)then paint it in the color you want it to be.Soft colours are nice if you prefer to calm down and enjoy yourself quietly in your bedroom.

Calm colours:green-will boost your brainpower and give you inspiration,blue-is the most relaxing chill out cl our,yellow-will fill you with happiness,pink-is sweet and girly,it's also calming,purple-will calm your head.Other co lours include white,lilac,silver,aqua,cream or ivory,scarlet,peach,gold

More action like colours:red-is an action colour,full of fire and get up 'n' go,orange-is the colour that will cheer you up and give you energy.

It is your choice.The decoration,could be things handmade,very nice,or everything in the style of modern art!

Good Luck and most of all enjoy it!!!
Brenda L
2006-08-20 17:10:34 UTC
Pick the decor first. Then pick out a color in the decor to paint the walls, frames, & etc...... Go to DIY website for really good advice and suggestions.

Also Better Homes and Garden has a lot of ideas.
2006-08-20 14:12:14 UTC
pick the paint first and then the Decorations. so that way you have th paint to work with, instead of pick a bunch of stuff that you like and then trying to find the paint that matches everything.
2006-08-20 11:37:00 UTC
The features are best to pick first. There is a paint and carpet color available to match anything you might pick out! It's always good to have a focal piece (pillow, picture or wallpaper). Use the focal piece to pull colors from. You can pull your paint color and also colors for accent pieces (posters, curtains, etc.) from this focal piece. Have fun!
2006-08-20 10:57:52 UTC
I the decor is more important because then the paint color will set the tone of the room and those objects will be accentuated even more.. Use one or two object as muses or inspiration... the rest will fall into place...
2006-08-19 12:23:01 UTC
Dad always matched the paint to the furniture or carpet ... so pick those first ... paint or wallpaper compliments the furnishings not the other way around ... he painted homes for 35 years!
Nicole D
2006-08-19 08:05:10 UTC
It depends on what you want to go with. If you pick the decor first, it will be easier to adapt the paint color with it. But if you choose the paint first, you will have significantly less choices on the decoration and furniture to choose to match.
2006-08-18 22:42:57 UTC
Spend some time looking through magaznes. When something about a room catches your eye, cut the picture out. It maay only be one thing about the picture that appeals to you - the arrangement of objects on a table or pictures on a wall; the style of tables or curtains (or lack of); the furniture arrangement; the colors; the way the patterns in the room go together... You don't have to cut out the whoe picture. It's best to cut out what you like. Or at least circle what you like. If you begin to look at all of these little pictures, you'll begin to see a pattern emerging. Wow! You've finally figured out what you like! Now you find the main item you want to build from (Is it a new sofa? Is it a painting you've got to have?) & build your room around it. The room is YOURS!
2014-07-14 10:49:48 UTC
Don't put the stuff in the room,

just pick it out.

Then choose the paint to go with it.

Then paint the room,

then put in the furnishings.

Have fun
2006-08-21 17:05:58 UTC
The decor sets the mood and the style so it would be easier to select the right paint...cause theres more variety for paint and decor is more difficult to find the right sets
michael g
2006-08-21 12:07:15 UTC
Paint and then decorate around it. The decor might change from time to time but you'll have a color scheme to go by no matter what.
2006-08-20 06:06:30 UTC
Here r the perfect steps to redecorate ur house beautifully-

1.Look at what u dislike about the present decorations

2.Search the market for wat u wanna now(don't buy yet)

3.c where they'll exactly fit to create a wunderful effect

4. Now is the right time to choose the paiint.

5.Last but not the least decorate it with the items u selected

All the very best!!!!!!!!!!
2006-08-20 03:26:15 UTC
hmm.....if u really want to make ur bedroom charming u have to chose the paint first. According to me the paint would be soft and calm, like off-white, sky blue, pink, light yellow, lilac, sea green or a very light shade of gray. And then u should chose ur furniture according to ur room's colour and squarefit. I'll tell nothing more about the decoration coz it would b definitely in favour of ur taste or ur choice.
2006-08-19 20:27:34 UTC
Sometimes it helps when picking a theme or paint color to go to the fabric store and look around, you may find a fabric that inspires you as to your theme and you can pull a paint color from that.
2006-08-19 18:20:42 UTC
I would definitely say decor because, if you have certain colors in your decor you could take those colors out and then paint. That is probably the way to go.
2006-08-19 15:30:18 UTC
well pick out what decor you want so that way you can pick colors from the fabric for the paint color. you might have a hard time finding a patern you like if yo pick out the paint 1st
2014-06-28 01:45:38 UTC
The most important piece on the bedroom is the bed, go from there to pick up the accessories. After that, think of the colors that you don't like, discard them. If you want your bedroom to be peaceful, choose pastel colors, if you want a bit of contrast,
2006-08-21 22:45:09 UTC
I usually figure out a theme or style to find decor that fits the thought then find paint to go with it or accent it. Its easiest to paint an empty room for me...
2006-08-21 08:14:40 UTC
Professional designers pick what they call their "inspiration piece" first, and then pull the paint colors from it.

If you do it the other way around, you will find yourself saying I wish I'd seen this basket/comforter/lamp before I painted!!!

Have a great time.
Chuong Seng Ly
2006-08-21 17:39:57 UTC
To redecorate,especially the paintings,first of all you remove every existing on the wall and you will paint the one you desire.Unless you must preserve some pictures that you should keep intact.
2006-08-20 11:22:30 UTC
Well u should have a basic idea of what colors u want go to Lowes Homedepot and look at paint samples...Go to Bed and Bath, Ikea and get ideas for your comfortable and curtains u want then go with those colors back to Homedepot and start matching up. Look at magazines to get ideas.

Good Luck!
2006-08-21 21:04:19 UTC
I think the decore. U can always match it with the paint. Then u dont have to go crazy trying to find stuff to match the paint
2006-08-22 03:37:48 UTC
go for painting first,it will help u in two ways.firstly your paint might match stuff u already have (which is not too old and still beautiful) and secondly at times some colour looks so good that it makes everything beautiful.HAVE A GREAT DECORATION.
2006-08-21 08:04:04 UTC
Generally I choose the decor first. It's like buying the outfit before you buy the shoes. You'll have a better idea of balancing color and scale.
Small Lady
2006-08-20 22:57:10 UTC
Paint first because then it will be much easier to pick decor after you know the color scheme.
2006-08-20 15:09:29 UTC
i would get the decor first and go from there, you can bring a piece of it when picking the paint. it's much easier that way than painting first. they can mix paint to match pretty much anything
2006-08-19 18:33:57 UTC
Decor since you can color match paint
2006-08-19 15:05:19 UTC
Choose the paint first. If you choose the decor first, you might find a really cute color of it, but then when you choose paint, you can'r find any colors to put with it.
2006-08-19 10:52:26 UTC
Decide what you want the room to look like first, then you can choose the paint and the accessories. Without a theme you can't do anything.
2006-08-18 19:31:45 UTC
Well, most of the decorating shows I watch choose an "inspiration piece" or color first. Maybe the inspiration is a painting , or a pillow or a bedcover they like. Then they pick the coordinating colors and scheme around that. I'm doing my master bedroom soon and my inspiration is a dark red quilt I bought. I'm building the theme around dark red roses. See? Hope that helps.
2006-08-21 20:50:39 UTC
Decor. It's easier to match paint to your drapes than to paint and find the perfect drapes.

Good paint stores have color matching machines to customize the paint color.
2006-08-20 19:52:49 UTC
it is easier to pick the paint to match the furniture/decor than it is the other way around. If you take a sample that you want to match or get close to to Home Depot, they can help you with that.
2006-08-20 17:40:06 UTC
pick the bed linens first like the comforter,,you can select the color of paint,,paper,,curtains,,others themes all from what you'll be dressing the bed with.the bed is where you'll spend most of your time when you're in the room so it should be of colors or prints that you like FIRST then the rest will fall into place so easy.....when you're shopping for the bed linens,,don't look at them thinking ''ok i see lite blue paint here'',,,,,,,just buy the one you want then when its on the bed,,stand back and you'll start getting all these ideas just from something that you really like,,,,,
2006-08-20 14:07:22 UTC
If you are owning this home Paint first if you are feeling like me a change every so often or season then go with the decor that way you will never get BORD. lol
2006-08-20 09:15:37 UTC
Have an idea of what you want then go for the paint followed up by the decor finally
2006-08-19 15:29:05 UTC
pick the decor first , like your sheets and spread and curtains , then find a color in the pattern that to your liking . go from there . I'm not into themes , they change from year to year , put a little of yourself into the room to make it yours and only yours .
2006-08-19 07:16:57 UTC
i just redecorated my room & i picked the paint first. i did stripes on my walls which was nice because i could choose decor in two different colors. if you dont want stripes you could do three walls in one color and the last wall in a brighter color to draw attention to it. That way you have an option for different furniture and decorations in the room.
christy b
2006-08-18 19:55:35 UTC
paint first then take a paint chip with you to get the right accent colors good luck and have fun with it you may even want to go to home depot they have a screen that will let you see what the room will look like in the color that you pick before you paint it works great good luck
2006-08-21 19:38:15 UTC
it could be either depends if u would want to look for things with ths same color as the paint or if u would want to buy the stuff for the room then find the paint i think that way is better cause that is wat i did about a week ago with my bedroom (looked for the decor first)
2015-01-11 05:18:34 UTC
Also, consider flooring. It's probably the one thing in the room that would cost you the most to change. If it's a neutral floor color, like wood or a tan carpet, you could pick up almost any wall color with a throw rug, but if it's a particular rug color or tile, you want to consider that.
2006-08-21 08:26:51 UTC
I think u should pick the theme u want first and then pick the best color to go with the theme and then you can finish it with the decor.
2006-08-20 21:25:38 UTC
Definitely choose the furniture first. Then buy the paint with that in mind. It is a lot easier that way. Good luck!
2006-08-19 21:53:01 UTC
Pick a bedspread with shams, etc. you like first. Make sure it has colors you like and colors that are easy to match things to. Pick a reasonably obscure color in it and paint the walls that color... (The walls will bring out that color -- make it show up -- in your bedspread.) Pick out accessories for the room using the other colors in the bedspread.
2006-08-19 11:27:46 UTC
i think you should pick the decor first, so you can get exactly what you want, then buy the paint to match perfectly, then go back and buy your decor (or you could already have it ordered to come when the paintings finished)
2006-08-19 10:58:51 UTC
I would say pick the furniture. Easy to match to an item not so easy to match to a paint!
Sugandh K
2006-08-18 23:49:09 UTC
Choose the paint first.Because then only you will be able to go for the decor.For example if you go for a bright color like yellow then the decor should be of dark color like blue drapes,a red-black bean bag.
2014-11-30 19:17:01 UTC
Sort through these and see if any of them would go with a particular wall color. You'll save yourself some money rather than painting and then realizing that some furniture or accents you wanted to keep don't go with your new color.
2006-08-21 11:50:29 UTC
Pick the decor...finding paint to match what you have is easier than finding stuff to match paint.
2006-08-21 06:38:57 UTC
I don't know as there is any correct way to redecorate.I always started with the paint or wall paper and then got the spread/quilt, dust ruffle and curtains after. Just do what feels right and enjoy your project!
Ken & Sandy P
2006-08-20 10:51:01 UTC
when decorating a bedroom,,first find the color of materials that you are going to use then buy the paint..if you paint first it is sometimes harder to find the perfect color of the materials. materials go out of style faster then the color of the paints.
2006-08-20 00:28:36 UTC
Choose the paint first.
2006-08-19 09:35:51 UTC
I think it will be easier if you start with the paint first and then choose your decor...unless you have something in mind that you would like...then try to go with the paint that would match that piece...
monkey f
2006-08-19 03:26:51 UTC
It is always better to pick the fabric palette that you desire. You have a favorite throw pillow and just love the colors. Maybe the colors are burgundy, cream and beige with hints of brown. Select a color from the palette...I would select a neutral brown with beige trim and go from there. Fabric is the inspiration for the paint color.
2006-08-21 10:18:34 UTC
the decor principally the bed and other big items, then u can paint the walls, and then u can put the ascesories
2006-08-21 08:57:47 UTC
decor!!! You can always match the paint w/ the decor. A lot harder to match the decors with the exact paint.
2006-08-19 18:46:38 UTC
I usually buy the items first and the paint or whatever matches perfectly.
2006-08-19 17:24:49 UTC
The paint first, it'll will be easier to decorate the room by picking a theme first.
2006-08-19 11:53:17 UTC
i would think you would pick the paint out and then find the decor that matches that color or that is a "neutral" color like tan or white.
2006-08-19 06:26:16 UTC
hi, i think it would be better for you to choose the paint color first...the paint color will set the mood of your room. You may choose the decors after to add dramatic effect to your room color. After that you may also experiment with different shades of your chosen color to match your new decors in some areas you want to highlight.
2006-08-20 22:01:06 UTC
Choose a theme first, then paint and lastly decor.
2015-01-22 21:43:45 UTC
I would love for McCain to win, however hes not going to because Obama is the anit-christ, we've just gone through our 7 years of war like the bible predicts and now when Obama becomes president we will have the 7 years of peace, think about it. sept.11th 2001 started the 7 years of war, and when hes elected president everything will be great for the time hes in presidency, its that time.Be Prepared.
2006-08-21 15:14:38 UTC
pick the theme or decor to your room first than pick the colors...when i moved in to my house i choose the color first and found out that it was hard to find anything to match the room...nothing i found matched the room color....i had to go and find everything else for the room and repaint it to match the decor...
2006-08-20 18:09:40 UTC
It is better to pick out your theme and then decide the colors. For example, Space theme then you get blue paint and stars clouds etc.

Good luick in the choices. I imagine it will be pretty!!!
2006-08-20 15:10:28 UTC
I think it's better to choose your decor first and then the paint.
virgilio costa
2006-08-20 13:34:32 UTC
First get the decor.. thinking about the paint... it's all connected. You have to think about it as an integrated project.
2006-08-19 07:58:10 UTC
Choose the paint of your choice and then go to the items that match the paint.
2006-08-21 19:48:43 UTC
You can do it either way. Whatever's most important to you - the decor or paint color.
2014-07-14 19:18:10 UTC
Good luck and remember empty your room to paint and tape door frames and baseboards with blue painters tape and Absolutely cover your flooring. Cleaning up after is a nightmare if you don;t take precautions first.
2014-07-06 20:13:44 UTC
Are you going for a scheme or theme?

Themes get boring to me, unless it's something you really love and want to look at for a long time~like my angel decor!
2006-08-21 20:53:38 UTC
I would decorate around the decor first. Find a color (from printed sheets) you love and then put the color on the walls~
2006-08-21 16:45:42 UTC
paint first them the decor could change to match the colour
2006-08-21 08:02:46 UTC
Definitely the paint first.
♥ Valley Girl ♥
2006-08-20 07:50:21 UTC
Paint first, it would be easier to pick decor that way.

<3 Punk Rocker <3
2006-08-19 19:27:36 UTC
decor then you just go get the paint if u chose paint it would be hard to find things that match
2006-08-19 09:02:19 UTC
I say pick the decor, cause you can always by the paint to bring it out!
2006-08-19 01:34:16 UTC
I pick the decor first because paint can be matched to anything, but anytime you have to find a cushion or vase in a certain color, it is nowhere to be found.
2006-08-21 07:52:07 UTC
I think you should pick up decor first because it is much easier to find paint that suit decor than trying to find decor that suits paint...
2006-08-19 10:25:26 UTC
pick the paint. custom order the colour and the shade that you like. the paint shop will mix to your exact requirement. then look for decor to fill up the room.
larry j
2006-08-18 19:31:21 UTC
i would say pick the decor first then paint. u can get paint in any color to match what you buy but it will be harder to match the items you buy to the paint and you will have less options. just dont put the things in before you paint.
2006-08-21 03:23:46 UTC
Decor must be first ! Be sure that painting will be more excited to creative after this.The art and creativity should be protected any time in life...
2006-08-21 01:27:38 UTC
Well, paint first.... light paints is better.... so it will be easy for you to choose and purchase the other items that matches your paint.
2006-08-20 12:33:35 UTC
I don't think it really matters..just which ever one you decide you like first. For example, if you saw a color paint you really like than you could find the decor after, or vise versa.
2006-08-21 19:11:07 UTC
Naturally the decor first
2006-08-21 01:04:23 UTC
It's easier to change the paint than the decor.
2006-08-20 13:52:38 UTC
You only have to make your mind and everything else follows.If you have budget for only one thing then take the paint first.Buying all the decor in one go is expensive.
2006-08-20 08:04:03 UTC
If you haven't did anything to your room yet if I was you i would pick the color first to see if my decor with go with it.
2006-08-19 20:22:14 UTC
choose the things you like first, then get a paint to match.
2006-08-18 23:13:38 UTC
Always, always, always choose your decor first. Paint can be tinted to match or coordinate with ANYTHING. I see people walk into fabric stores with their paint swatch and search for hours to find a fabric to match, with no luck. Pick the paint color last.
2006-08-22 20:28:49 UTC
pick the decor tha you would like first and then decide on what paint would go with it to enhance its appearance
2006-08-21 06:17:46 UTC
The theme is the key. Sky: blue. Oceanic: blue green.

Forrest: Green.

The theme will suggest all, it should all come together,

of a piece, no first or second.
2006-08-19 13:15:08 UTC
Decor - there are paint colors to match ANYTHING!

2006-08-19 03:44:19 UTC
Pick the decor first, then decide what colour of paint would go with it.
2006-08-21 07:56:45 UTC
i recommend finding the basics you like and then build around them.

so, buy your bedding and nightstands and lamps and see where that leaves you decor-wise. then, pick your paint and other items for the room.

that's what i did for our baby's nursery. we chose the theme of the nursery and then, matched paint.

have fun!
2006-08-20 09:33:12 UTC
i would choose the paint first and then choose the decor to match it
2006-08-19 21:42:58 UTC
I would pick the decor first so then its easier to pick the color paint you want.
2006-08-19 19:41:30 UTC
I'd pick the decor first. I'm really picky about my furniture, then my paint is more of an afterthought to compliment the furniture.
2006-08-19 19:28:58 UTC
pick your decor first, then it will be easier to decide on paint, but you will want to pant the room first before you gather and place your decor.
2014-07-11 03:39:54 UTC
Or you could find a bed set that you just have to have...get it! Paint the room around that.
2014-07-16 17:21:14 UTC
Any place that sells paints has a huge selection of color chips to match your fabrics. Just remember you can easily cover pillows yourself in just the right color by buying fabric.
2006-08-20 17:53:13 UTC
the paint first because it may look different when you put iton the walls and u would be upset if u brought the decor for the room and it didn't match your paint.
2006-08-20 15:28:44 UTC
pick your decor first because this will help set the tone for the paint!
2006-08-20 13:16:42 UTC
when i was decorating my room i put the paint first then purcahesd the stuff i needed so i think it is the best idea
2006-08-19 21:59:13 UTC
i think its better to pick out decor first because paint is cheap and if you dont like the color you cand change it and not be out much money
2006-08-19 15:33:00 UTC
Depends on you. I suggest paint first so it'd be easier to put the decors. If you put decors first, it will be harder to paint.
2006-08-19 12:42:25 UTC
when i redecorated i picked my decor first and matched the paint with it
2006-08-19 12:29:37 UTC
first pick one thing you really like and want in your room your redecorating. then base the paint color and everything else...around it.
Mandy Baby
2006-08-21 08:57:16 UTC
Personally I find it better to look for your paint first so you can take that sample color to find your decor.
2006-08-20 14:35:21 UTC
i would pick out the paint first. unless u already have a theme in mind or u already have the stuff.
2006-08-21 17:11:39 UTC
decor first. you want to pick a color that is in the furniture. something that is different. I.e, I have a greenish couch and my wall is red-brown. The contrast is great.
2006-08-19 23:45:08 UTC
Better to paint first as it makes home dirty by throwing droplets here and there.Your decoration may be spoiled by that.Moreover its easier and faster to paint a empty house.
2006-08-19 17:18:02 UTC
Pick the paint first, the coordinate your accent colours to compliment it.
2006-08-19 03:12:11 UTC
i usually hang wall paper first, in a color or theme that i like, then choose the decorations and colors from that.
2006-08-21 12:02:33 UTC
paint and then the decor, so u can find what matches with the decor
2006-08-20 13:57:13 UTC
The paint.
2006-08-19 22:45:30 UTC
decor first, then you can choose a paint that goes with the decor.
2006-08-19 19:09:35 UTC
choose the paint first and keep the color swatch. whenever you want to but any matching items, just take the swatch and it will be a perfect match
2006-08-19 13:38:46 UTC
I would have to go with paint so your'e decor will match later.
terri m
2006-08-19 01:38:53 UTC
Choose your fabric first. It might be the bedspread, upholstery, pillows or drapes. It will contain your theme and colors. They're right, paint can be matched to anything
2006-08-20 05:11:00 UTC
first choose the decor and then the paint
Nytro K
2006-08-20 18:35:35 UTC
Choose your decor first, because with paint u can get any colour tint u want these days...
2006-08-20 10:51:40 UTC
Paint first because then you get the furniture easyer, you know what accresoryes to buy and you know what curtain color you have to pick!
2006-08-19 23:01:19 UTC
theme first,paint,then decor
2006-08-21 19:19:36 UTC
I would choose the paint color first to get your color scheme set, and work the fabrics around that.
2006-08-21 20:01:39 UTC
I would pick the paint first, and then find the things to accessorize it.
2006-08-21 14:58:53 UTC
it depends, probably not the paint because there are hundreds of colors to choose from
2006-08-21 14:34:17 UTC
Ther theme beacuase then you can pick from so many different shades of whatever color you went with
Jared S
2006-08-20 09:25:00 UTC
Decor is so much more important than paint. Buy that first, then you can paint... repaint... etc.
2006-08-20 07:04:49 UTC
the paint first
Sean M
2006-08-18 19:30:48 UTC
Pick the decor 1st! Your decor options should be left flexible. Painting can be adapted to any situation!
2006-08-20 16:52:37 UTC
2006-08-19 11:16:42 UTC
you should get the decor first and get paint that matches it all
So Purdy
2006-08-20 12:45:19 UTC
Paint it first you don't want to get paint all over everything
Heather M
2006-08-20 09:40:23 UTC
I think the "theme" first, once you choose, say, whimsical, classic, antique, modern...once you get your general "want" identiied, you can find ideas in an home decor book :)

Good Luck!

2006-08-20 08:11:05 UTC
If you're redecorating do the paint first, then do furniture.
2006-08-19 23:16:09 UTC
i think it is better to plan in whole. first paint according to your original plan, and then see if you need to make adjustment after the actual color is seen.
EMO cupcake
2006-08-19 21:12:55 UTC
I like to sit down and go through some mags and find a theme that you like then go on from there
2006-08-19 05:27:35 UTC
Paint can be any color you want. Nail down a set and design around that!
~S~ is for Stephanie!
2006-08-20 09:51:40 UTC
Paint. Then you can know what colors do and don't go for furniture, and when you do that, you can add little accent colors! Good luck!
miss advice
2006-08-19 15:45:01 UTC
bedsheets first. then accessories that match, yet somewhat contrast. then you can decide what color paint would compliment your decor.

good color combinations for rooms:

(1) tan, brown, leopard, cream, gold

(2) red, hot pink, black, gold

(3) turquiose, lime, lemon, silver, gray

(4) burnt orange, pale orange, cream, peach

(5) black, white, maroon, rose

(6) bright yellow, mustard, black, red
yellow daisy
2006-08-20 06:09:29 UTC
as both the things complement each other. u obviously don't want to leave a lovely piece of furniture u saw at the mall cuz it just won't match ur room wud u ?
2006-08-19 19:28:32 UTC
decor then u can pick the right colorof paint
2006-08-19 14:57:05 UTC
paint first unless there is a piece that you really want to include or are inspired by
saundra m
2006-08-19 08:31:50 UTC
if it is already an empty room you should paint first then do your decor that way things dont get pant on them.
2006-08-21 20:29:58 UTC
Since there are so many colors out there, plus there are so many ways to pair color (i.e. complimentary, secondary, Tertiary, monochromatic, just to name some) i would pick a general color idea that you like. then find some things that you would like in the room and pair a color to them.
2006-08-20 00:51:21 UTC
decor first the choose what kind of paint afterwards . my opion?
2006-08-19 16:35:07 UTC
whatever color you like then purchase the items that will go with the color.
2006-08-19 10:33:31 UTC
the decor then you have plenty of options when buying and then the paint.
2006-08-19 23:25:10 UTC
Go with YOUR tastes. Do you have previous possessions to put in it or are you starting fresh? I never gave it much thought before, but I usually did the two together.
2006-08-21 12:02:03 UTC
2006-08-20 21:23:55 UTC
m e l i <3
2006-08-20 10:38:31 UTC
I'd go with the paint first.
2006-08-19 13:56:14 UTC
it is probably best to pick a theme so that your choice of paint and other purchaces go with your theme.
2006-08-19 07:53:41 UTC
Paint first, that way you can buy furniture to match the "mood" of the room. And also if you put in the furniture first and then paint you get this smell on your furniture. >:(
reading rules!
2006-08-19 06:04:31 UTC
aint first, cuz then u can pick from the wider veriety of decor to match. if u did it the other way, then there would be less paint to choose from.
Granny 1
2006-08-19 19:12:34 UTC
I like to find just the right bedspead first and go from there.
2006-08-19 16:47:24 UTC
paint. it's easier to find the furniture that goes with your walls than paint for your furniture.
2006-08-19 05:26:40 UTC
I picked my decor first
2006-08-18 19:29:52 UTC
the paint first
2006-08-20 18:17:25 UTC
you should pick the decor first so you know what colors you need
2006-08-21 05:24:12 UTC
i think u should decide what to paint first beacuse that's what ur going to put on first.
2006-08-21 03:28:23 UTC
i'd find the paint first, then you can highlight according to your desire.

(do you what the room to "pop"?)

its easlier to subdue the paint than it is to subdue the trim.
2006-08-18 23:53:52 UTC
Paint first and then redecorate.
2006-08-22 00:45:35 UTC
its beta to buy the furniture first, because there is a lot of colour ranges, so you will always buy the best one. furniture and design is so limited, so always buy it first and buy the colours like dark brown, black, purple, and mauve. there the best colours also try bark, light brown, [pascal.
2006-08-19 18:53:54 UTC
find decor that you like but dont buy it until you paint!
michael looooou
2006-08-21 00:09:39 UTC
Pick the paint............... then pick me 4 the job i will do the work 4 food...PeAcE
2006-08-20 01:26:40 UTC

You should first pick the CARPET, then the paint.

As for the decor, you have a lot more options, don't sweat it.
2006-08-19 10:24:00 UTC
S. Jarrett Warner
2006-08-21 15:02:06 UTC
the paint foo
2006-08-20 23:35:48 UTC
paint first then decoration: )
2006-08-19 17:49:53 UTC
select the decor first
2006-08-19 00:36:52 UTC
paint so you can work off the wall colors.
2006-08-20 03:55:28 UTC
its da best if u choose da paint first
2006-08-20 13:05:36 UTC
my own opinion is to go ahead and get the paint first. then go get furniture that would cordinate well. hope it works out!
2006-08-20 04:27:04 UTC
i think u shud buy d items first be4 chosing d paint.
2006-08-20 04:45:16 UTC
Sort out the colour first, then do for the furnishings
Super Mom
2006-08-19 18:31:00 UTC
I say pick what inspires you first, then build the rest of your plan around that.
2006-08-19 07:47:47 UTC
I prefer buying decors first... i prefer flat white for paint - CLEAN.
2006-08-20 20:28:36 UTC
the paint first because it makes it easier
2006-08-19 23:44:56 UTC
They say carpet first, then paint.
Lesia "Giving U Roses"
2006-08-21 12:05:17 UTC
Good question, I'm having the same problem.
Xavier's Mommy ツ
2006-08-21 02:50:22 UTC
i usually pick something like a picture, comforter, or something like that - that i really love, and i evolve the room around it. lol :) GOODLUCK!
2006-08-19 07:30:06 UTC
ur ? is the as the riddle, " which came 1st. the chicken or the egg". we are logical being's correct. so looink at it logically, yuo say the decor 1st. then the paint.
2006-08-20 11:15:09 UTC
I don't think it matters. As long as you know what you want to do, just go out and get it.
2006-08-19 10:29:55 UTC
i'd choose a color scheme first.
Billy W
2006-08-19 21:12:25 UTC
Color first. Then you pick accessories to compliment it.
2006-08-18 19:29:32 UTC
first paint because if you decor first it would be hard to paint
2006-08-22 07:14:02 UTC
Buy everything the same day so you can coordinate everything.
Karen Elaine
2006-08-19 08:31:01 UTC
Paint, cause it is permanent
2006-08-21 07:33:52 UTC
2006-08-19 07:10:16 UTC
2006-08-21 07:11:08 UTC
paint first.
2006-08-18 19:55:53 UTC
pick the color first
2006-08-20 05:53:37 UTC
definitely color first
2006-08-20 11:28:15 UTC
my wife says decor - i am a guy, what do i know?
2006-08-19 13:59:03 UTC
paint .. paint .. paint
2006-08-21 20:09:18 UTC
paint it first...
2006-08-20 20:16:54 UTC
just go with the funswai
Jimmy F
2006-08-20 16:37:33 UTC
i just would eat everything in the room.
2006-08-20 07:22:59 UTC
. . . priorities, priorities, priorities - first the bed...
2006-08-20 10:50:58 UTC
redecorate it first ..
2006-08-18 19:30:32 UTC
paint first and it will be easier to accesorize.
2006-08-21 09:00:30 UTC
go to they have all info you need
2006-08-18 22:24:57 UTC
the decor!!!!!
Bedroom Celebrity
2006-08-19 05:46:48 UTC
I gave you a thumbs down for having dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin. If you were blonde and pretty, I would have given you a thumbs up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.