how did people know india's shape ?
2005-12-17 06:25:18 UTC
i want to know why we live in india?
Two answers:
2006-03-04 02:42:37 UTC
The outline of the shape of the Indian subcontinent was plotted on paper over a long period of time as early sea faring explorers took longitude and latitude readings along the coast. As more points were plotted, and the skills and instruments of navigators improved, the maps were refined and came closer to the shape we recognize today.

One of the tasks undertaken by the British during their occupation of India was to establish a land survey of the subcontinent. They did this in order to establish a firm legal footing for the ownership of land by providing for accurate boundary descriptions. The north-south base line and the intersecting east-west baseline were laid out in the nineteenth century by British surveyors. This was a huge undertaking and required many years. It is a fascinating story in and of itself.

As to why people live there, it seems that humans have made every corner of the globe their home, so why not India. Why do they stay? Overall, people tend to stay near where they were born ... a place they call home.

I hope this information helps answer your question.
2005-12-26 15:24:45 UTC
India was the cradle of mankind.

It existed before people could harldy count.

We have been living in India for 102,000 years now (302,000 maybe) and we just stayed there.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.