what's the best motif for a bathroom?
2006-03-26 14:39:53 UTC
please include color and theme
Four answers:
2006-03-26 14:41:04 UTC
I like an ocean/beach theme....aqua, light blue, white, off-white.
2006-03-26 14:59:37 UTC
Most people like the sea routine (Blues, greens), but I personally like the whole Oriental theme with the greens, the tans, black and white. Having the pictures with the japanese characters and the pictures of bamboo chutes. Thats the theme my girlfriend and I have for our place.
2006-03-26 14:46:45 UTC
I like a beach theme with plants. Pale blue walls, with darker blue towels and mats, seahorses etc magnets on mirrors. Steam loving plants.
2006-03-26 14:42:46 UTC
Ocean, ships.

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